University of Baltistan, Skardu

Quality Enhancement Cell

June 18, 2020


The Chairman of the

Semester Rule Committee, and

Controller Exams, UoBS


Subject: QEC Review of the Semester Rules

Dear Sir,

Thank you very much indeed for submitting the UoBS Semester Rules for the QEC review!

We have reviewed the document based on the following parameters.

·        General academic rules and affairs pertaining to semesters

·        Dealing with matters pertaining to conflicts/complaints during a semester e.g. unfair means issues, students’ grievances, grace marks, etc.

·        Durations of semesters (number of defined weeks and/or months for each semester  and maximum & minimum Credit Hours of teaching in a particular semester.

·        Grading policies and GPA and CGP calculations

·        Policy for programs duration, subject improvement, supplementary examinations etc.

·        Examinations, assessment, and attendance policies

·        Admission, enrolments, graduation, and convocation procedures

·        Semester freeze and unfreeze policies and procedures

·        Course registration and course offering procedures

·        Rules and procedures for Undergraduate and Graduate programs

·        Procedures for the establishment of departmental and university committees related to semesters and academic concerns

·        Miscellaneous

The document basically covers all the matters related to semesters in the university. Based on the review, we have suggested some additions, deletions, and/or insertions through the Track-Change options across the document. We have added some additional comments and/or questions, too. Please see them in the document attached.

In general, more focus has been given to Undergraduate programs in the document; however, there are some sporadic details given in the document about Graduate programs. It is suggested to incorporate details about the Graduate programs in this document where necessary or a separate Semester Rules may be developed for the Graduate Programs.

We appreciate the great work done by you and your team to develop the first ever semester Rules for the University. Heartiest congratulations!



Dr. Haji Karim Khan,

Director QEC