·        Academic Program: Any combination of courses and/or requirements leading to award the university degrees/certificates, after the successful completion of all the prescribed requirements.

·        Admission: Admission of a student as a regular student of the University of Baltistan, Skardu or in its constituent/affiliated college/institute/Sub-Campus(s).

·        Dual Admission: Simultaneous admissions in more than one program of studies. Such cases shall be dealt as per HEC Policy in vogue.

·        Admission Committee: A departmental committee notified for the purpose of admissions of the students who qualify the prescribed eligibility criteria for admission in a particular program.

·        Affiliated Colleges: Those colleges which are affiliated with UoBS.

·      Assessment: The assessment of the performance or achievement of the students in an academic program. This can include assessment tools such as assignments, examinations, practical (Lab) work/field work, project work, seminar papers, and tutorial participation etc. as per HEC relevant policy (as amended from time to time).

·        Assignment: A task relevant to a course of study assigned to the student by concerned faculty member to substantiate the course contents. The assignment may or may not be graded.

·        Associate Degree Program: A four-semester (two-year) undergraduate regular study program (offered as per HEC Policy in vogue).

·     Cease: A student is considered unsuitable for further studies at The University of Baltistan, Skardu as a regular student for a specified time on disciplinary grounds by university authorities, as defined in The University of Baltistan Discipline Rules.

·        Chairperson/ Head: Chairperson/Head of an academic department.

·      Contact Hour: One contact hour means 60 minutes of teacher – student interaction (with 05 minutes break inclusive) spent on academic/research related activities including instructional work/tutorials, research work, projects, seminars, workshops etc. during the course of studies at the university.

·        Controller: The Controller of Examinations of the University of Baltistan, Skardu.

·        Course: A set of contents related to an academic Program, which is to be studied by a student for a fixed number of hours during a semester. Each subject will carry a specific discipline code and number.

·        Credit Course: A “Credit Course” means a course of study, which shall be required for successful completion of the degree.

·      Credit Hour (Cr. Hr): Credit hour in class means teaching/learning a theory course for one hour each week throughout the semester. One credit hour in laboratory or practical work/project would require lab contact of three hours per week.

·        Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA): The summation of grade points of all credit courses divided by the total number of credit hours taken by a student.

·        Dean: The Dean of a faculty in the University.

·        Department: An Academic Department of the University of Baltistan, Skardu.

·        Departmental Council: A committee including concerned Head of the Department and three senior faculty members of the department.

·        Drop out: A student considered unsuitable upon academic performance for further studies at The University of Baltistan, Skardu or its Constituent Institute/ Affiliated College/Sub-campus and is removed from the roll of the University.

·        Examinations: The semester examination.

·        Examiner: A person appointed to conduct the examination.

·        Faculty: A faculty of the University of Baltistan, Skardu.

·        Grade: A mark (letter grade or number) indicating the assessment of student’s academic performance.2.25.         Grade Point (GP): Number of grade points representing the letter grades scored by a student in a course.

·        Grade Points of a Credit Course: Total number of points scored by a student in a credit course. This number is the product of points representing the letter grade scored by the student in a course and the number of credit hours taken of the course.

·        Grade Point Average (GPA): The average of the accumulative grade point earned in a semester or in the whole course of study.

·        Internship: Students' engagement in a relevant academic, research or business organization related to the discipline chosen for specialization of maximum of three (03) Credit Hours offered in any upper division semester as per requirement of discipline.

·        Make-up Exam: A Terminal exam for the students who could not appear for any genuine reason beyond human control or due to attending sports/national/international event on behalf of the University.

·        Non-Credit Course: A course of study, which is required for the successful completion of the certificate/degree but the grade points are not going to be reflected in the CGPA.

·        Practical/Laboratory (Lab) Test: These tests include all examinations/assessments to ascertain the level of competence of practical application of knowledge acquired.

·        Project: A Project is an academic work aimed at determining the ability of a student to translate the theoretical knowledge acquired during a course of study into its practical application at Undergraduate Level.

·     Probation: A student who does not excel academically and does not meet the requirements of the degree, said to be on probation if he/she is deficient in standards to the extent where he/she is likely to be relegated/withdrawn, is allowed to continue studies for one semester (in Two Years degree Program) and for two semesters (in Four Years degree Program).

·        Research/Project Report: A report comprising the original research of a student/researcher which is counted towards the partial fulfillment of his/her degree subject to fulfillment of relevant prescribed procedure.

·        Registrar: The Registrar of the University of Baltistan.

·        Registration: Registration of the student in a teaching Department of the University.

·        Research/Project Supervisor: A Teacher who supervises/guides Research/Project of an undergraduate/post graduate student till the successful completion of research work. The Supervisor shall have prescribed experience and relevant qualification in the field of research.

·        Semester: A “Semester” is an academic period (mentioned in the Academic Calendar of the University), in which one set of courses in any discipline is offered.

·        Teacher: A person serving in an academic department as lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor.

·        Theory: A theory course is of 03 to 04 credit hours as per requirement of the discipline; time duration of the credit hour in class and lab.

·        Undergraduate Program: A 16 years educational program including BS (4 Years), B.Sc. (Honors), MA/MSc. (2 Years) or equivalent Program.

·        Unfair Means Review Committee: A committee appointed to deal with cases pertaining to use of unfair means in the examination by the students.

·        UoBS : University of Baltistan, Skardu

·        Vice Chancellor: The Vice Chancellor of the University of Baltistan, Skardu.