The answer book of a candidate shall not be re-assessed under any circumstances whereas the re-checking does not mean re-assessment/re-evaluation/re-marking of the answer book. The Controller of Examination can arrange for re-checking of examination script by any faculty member from the relevant discipline on the complaint/request of students. The Controller of Examination or any officer or re-checking committee appointed shall see that:

a)      There is no computational mistake in the grand total on the title page of the answer book.

b)     The total of various parts of a question has been correctly made at the end of each question.

c)      All totals have been correctly brought forward on the title page of the answer book.

d)     No portion of any answer has been left un-marked.

e)      Total marks in the answer book tally with the marks sheet.

f)      The hand-writing of the candidate tally in the questions/answer book.

g)     The candidate or anybody on his/her behalf has no right to see or examine the answer books for any purpose.

h)     The marks of a candidate could even decrease in light of (c) above. In the event of reduction of marks the record shall be corrected accordingly and revised transcript shall be issued.