1)     I declare that in the event of admission of my son/ daughter/ ward to the University,

 2)     I (Father/ Guardian) will consider myself responsible for the payment of the University fee and any other dues.

 3)     I will also be responsible for making up any loss/ damage caused by the applicant to the University building and facilities during the course of his/ her enrolment in the University.

 4)     If, during the course of his/ her studies the applicant takes part in any political activity or becomes a member of a political or student organization, I will be responsible for that, and affirm that the Vice Chancellor will be within his/her rights to struck off the applicant’s name from the University roll.

 5)     I affirm that the Vice Chancellor can bar the student from appearing in the University Examinations for poor attendance.

 6)     The Vice Chancellor is authorized to take the student’s name off the University Roll for infringement under University Rules and Discipline.

 7)     If the documents submitted by my son/ daughter/ ward for admission are proved incorrect at any stage or found to be fake or contain an incorrect statement or error which may affect the merit, will be held responsible and the University will have the authority to cancel his/ her admission and undertake disciplinary action against him/ her.

 8)     I undertake that in case my son/ daughter/ ward fails to meet the University attendance requirement (minimum 75%) he/ she will be barred from University examinations. If my son/ daughter/ ward fails to pay University fees by the due date he/ she will be suspended from the University bearing full responsibility for consequences. In such cases neither I nor anyone else will file petition against the University for Condiment.

  Declaration by the Applicant

 1)     I pledge to abide by the Rules and Regulation of the University now in place or those issued from time to time and that I will not take part in political activity of any kind.

 2)     I understand that all University property is a national asset in our trust and any attempt to occupy any of it unlawfully or to cause damage will be considered a criminal act which may be handed over to the law enforcing agencies.

 3)     I pledge that I will not keep in my possession weapons of any kind on campus or at any University related function, whether licensed or unlicensed.

 4)     Affirm that I have not taken admission in any other University or degree awarding institute. I also affirm that I will not take admission in any institute during my stay in this University. If proved otherwise at any time admission may be cancelled forthwith and all fees paid to the University forfeited.

 5)     I affirm that I have not been expelled by any institute at any time, no serious disciplinary action has taken against me and have never taken part in any unlawful activity while attending any institution.

 6)     I affirm that, if at any stage the documents submitted by me for admission are proved forged/ fake or carry any statement or clerical error which may affect the merit of my admission, I shall be held responsible and the University will be within its rights to cancel my admission and to take the necessary action against me.

 7)     undertake not to join or support any student union, group or political organization during my stay in the University, if I do so the University is authorized to cancel my admission.

 8)     I undertake to attend to my academic obligations as close to 100 % as possible and agree that if I do not record at least 75 % attendance I will have no right to participate in University examinations. I undertake that in such a case neither I nor my parents nor anyone else will have any right to file petition against the University for any consideration.

 9)     I undertake to pay all University fees and dues by the dates prescribed by the University, failing which I will be suspended from the University and that I will be responsible for the consequences. Neither I nor my parents nor anyone else will have any right to petition or challenge the University in this respect.

 10)  I pledge that I will not be involved in any kind of copying, cheating and plagiarism and know the penalties as per HEC rules.

 11)  I will wear UOBS student card all the time during my presence in campus.


           Signature of Father/Guardian                                                                                                                      Signature of Applicant


                                                                                                                  Date :__________________



 The Admission form should be submitted to the Student Affairs Office, University of Baltistan, Skardu before the prescribed deadline along with 1000/- in shape of draft / pay order in favor of UOBS.

 Documents to be attached

1.     Attested academic credentials (Two sets)

2.     Three recent PP size photographs

3.     Domicile Certificate

4.     Migration Certificate (in case of board other than UOBS)