a)      A minimum attendance of (>75 %) is mandatory in a course to complete the requirements of a course.

b)     The teacher shall report a student’s absences and the student shall be placed on attendance probation by his/her Dean/HOD and shall be notified by the department. A student shall be dropped from the University for violating the terms of such probation.

c)      The Chairperson shall have the power to waive off 10% of shortage of attendance in case of genuine reason/s beyond the human capacity on the recommendation of the Departmental Semester Committee by charging Rs. 1000 (each course). This relaxation Clause shall be applicable to a maximum of 6 papers only in the entire course of study, be recorded in the file of the student and shall be reconsidered by the relevant bodies after a period of five years.

d)     A student who does not satisfy the requirements of attendance (at least 75% in each course) shall be ineligible to appear for the final-term examination of that course and s/he may/shall repeat that course as regular student whenever it is offered again.

e)      Calculation of attendance shall start from the date of commencement of classes to last class.

f)      A date-wise record of the attendance of students shall be maintained by the respective teachers in each course. One week before the commencement of the mid-term and final- term examinations, all the teachers shall send the attendance record to the Chairperson of the Department showing the total number of lectures delivered and practical conducted together with the total number of lectures and practical attended by each student.

g)     If a student represents the university, province or country in sports, or any other officially sponsored activity during a semester, s/he shall be given benefit in attendance up to 10% in that semester, by the Competent Authority, on the recommendation of the Chairperson of the Department concerned.

h)     Absence from class for two consecutive weeks or more without any genuine reason shall entail cancellation of admission in the course by the chairperson on the recommendation of class teacher which would only be restored on appeal to the head of the Department made within 05 days of the cancellation order with payment of Rs.1000.

i)       Absence from a class for four consecutive weeks shall debar the student from examination and the course shall be considered dropped. S/He shall repeat the concerned course.

j)       A maximum of two (02) weeks of leave on medical grounds shall be considered on case to case basis sanctioned by the Chairperson of the Department concerned.

k)     Sanction of leave beyond two weeks shall be granted by the Dean on the recommendations of the Chairperson. The maximum leave period to be availed in exceptional cases on very genuine grounds in one semester shall not exceed Thirty (30) days. (However the total percentage of attendance shall be 75%, failing which student shall not be eligible to appear in Terminal Exam).