a)      In the beginning of a semester, all teachers shall share with the students syllabi providing information to students that defines attendance policy, grade distribution policy, assessment criteria, paper specification, examination dates, schedule of material to be taught, take-home assignment policy, required and recommended reading materials and any other information important for the successful completion of the course and its requirements.

b)     All students shall be required to take Mid Term and Final Term examinations in a semester on notified dates, besides class tests, assignments, etc. All examinations shall be conducted as per the academic calendar.

c)      A student shall be eligible to appear in the examination provided that s/he has:

·        been on the roll of the University during the semester;

·        registered himself/herself for the concerned course(s) of study;

·        attended minimum 75% lectures and practical;

·        paid all the University dues.

d)     A student shall be evaluated in each course on the basis of various components of the study including class attendance, assignments, projects, lab work, presentation, quizzes, Mid Term, and Final Term examinations according to the following weightage.

Courses without Practical

Evaluation Category

Distribution of Marks

Quizzes, Assignments, Presentations etc


Mid Term


Final Term examination



Courses with Practical Component

Evaluation Category

Distribution of Marks

Quizzes, Assignments, Presentations etc.


Mid Term


Practical Examinations


Final Term examination


e)      If a student misses a class test because of an emergency/official assignment, for which s/he has obtained prior permission from the Chairperson concerned on recommendation of instructor, in writing, s/he shall take the test. Makeup examination shall be arranged within a week after the final date of examination of the concerned course/paper.

f)      Minimum time allowed for Mid-Term examination shall be 60 minutes and that for the Final-Term examination shall be 90 minutes.

g)     In order to pass a course, a student shall obtain at least 50% marks in aggregate in that course, i.e. marks obtained in class tests/assignments, marks obtained in mid-term, and marks obtained in the final-term examination. It shall also be essential to pass practical examination separately, where applicable.

h)     After marking the class tests, quizzes, mid-term examination and final examination papers the same shall be shown to the students and discussed with the class. Any question relating to marking should be discussed with individual students but the answer papers, projects assignments, term paper etc, should be taken back from the students immediately after the students have seen their performance and discussed the questions, if any, with the instructor to be kept safely for record.

i)       In case of any discrepancy a student shall have the right of appeal to the Chairperson/HoD of the department concerned within one week after declaration of result.

j)       All evaluations in semester system shall be internal. The concerned teachers in all respective courses shall evaluate the students.

k)     Each department shall have a Departmental Examination Committee, consisting of at least three members to decide all problems regarding evaluation. The decision of the committee shall be final.

l)       There shall be no Supplementary/Special Examination in a Semester System; if a student fails in a course, s/he is required to repeat the course.

m)    The defaulters of the University dues shall not be permitted to sit in the examinations.