a)      If a student is not allowed to take the examination of any subject due to shortage of attendance in that subject, s/he shall register himself/herself in that subject whenever offered again, attend the classes regularly, meet all requirements and appear in the examinations.

b)     If a student fails to secure a minimum of 50% marks in any course, s/he shall be required to repeat the same or an equivalent course whenever offered.

c)      In case a student takes a new course in lieu of the course in which s/he failed, the obtained grade shall be reflected on the transcript in place of the old one.

d)     The minimum required CGPA for graduation is 2.5 out of 4.00.

e)      Undergraduate students may be allowed to repeat/improve a course in which s/he has obtained grade below “C”. In such a case only the better grade shall be used in the calculation of CGPA. Maximum Six (06) courses a student may be allowed to repeat/improve in an eight semester degree program.

f)      A graduate student (MS/MPhil) with a 'C' grade can repeat/ improve the course if s/he desires to improve the grade. The university shall define the maximum number of three (03) Courses that a student may repeat/ improve at the Graduate level. In such a case only the better grade shall be calculated in the CGPA.

g)     Repeating a course shall entail all the essential components of a course including attendance (Minimum 50%), assignments, class tests, mid-term and terminal examination.

h)     A student who misses Mid-Term or Final-Term examination in all the subjects in a semester, s/he shall have to repeat the same semester subjects to the fulfillment of the required residency / duration of a program.