Undergraduate Programs

a)      An undergraduate program of instruction generally includes a 15-18 Credit Hours course load including exams in a regular semester. The required course load for a fulltime undergraduate is 15 credit hours per semester (minimum).

b)     In case any student wishes to enroll for one more course beyond 18 Cr. Hours, s/he shall be allowed by institution in either of the given cases:

·   If his/her CGPA is above 3.5 and

·   The student needs the course to graduate on time and

·   In case of repeating /failed/dropped courses with the prior permission of the Chairperson/Head of the Department/Principal concerned.

Graduate Programs

a)      A graduate student shall enroll for 9-12 credit hours in a regular semester. He/she shall take at least nine (09) credit hours in Fall and Spring semesters to be considered as a full-time student.

b)      The University shall allow a student to take additional courses (maximum 04 credit hours) in a semester depending on circumstances with the advice of the advisor, HoD and course coordinator.